Most teams don’t sell with business cases. (And most of their reps miss their #.)

That’s a big deal (not in a good way). Buyers stall, cycles crawl, and deals stay small when you let your champions wing it, without an exec-ready business case.


% Opportunities without a Business Case


Sales Velocity without a Business Case


% Opportunities with a Business Case


Sales Velocity with a Business Case

“Wait... sales really closed how much this quarter?” – Finance

We almost couldn’t believe it when we looked at the data, either. But a 10.4X jump in sales velocity is no joke, and it’s why we created our Revenue Guarantee.

Shortcut deals to the C-Suite.

No more endless meetings with end users: engage execs early.

Multi-threading on easy mode.

No more of that post-demo, “We’ll get back to you... thanks.”

Slipped deals? What are those?

Committed champions that get deals done, on time every time.

Less chaos. More confidence.

Know exactly where your deals stand, to stand by your forecast.

Close the biggest execution gap in your process, with just 1 page.

Fluint isn’t about buying a new product. It’s about building your process around how your buyers sell deals internally. Using a concise, 1-page business case.

The process of creating that 1 page impacts everyone inside your own revenue org, for good:


See discovery gaps highlighted, to fill in the blanks with champions


Grounds forecasts in written evidence of where a deal actually is (or isn’t).

Sales Engineers:

Pre-demo brief on which outcomes & differentiators to showcase.


See skill gaps to build coaching plans for deeper training.

Scaling Retail Training to Drive 25% Store Sales Growth Year-over-Year

Headline: The training and development team should implement the Learnit platform by Q2 2024. This will result in more consistent, engaging learning experiences across all stores, while avoiding the $XXXK per year in rework created by inconsistent training delivery.

Problem Statements

Despite trying a train-the-trainer model, our team still can't ensure consistent training delivery across 1,500 stores because each manager customizes content based on their own biases and priorities, which has cost us $XXXK per year in rework.

- High variability in training delivery and engagement across 1,500 stores
- $XXXK spent annually on retraining employees due to inconsistent messaging
- 50% of employees reported receiving the latest training content

Recommended Approach

The Learnit platform allows us to create engaging, interactive virtual training experiences that are delivered consistently across all locations.

With built-in tracking and analytics, we can ensure full attendance and comprehension. The platform is flexible across in-person, hybrid, and fully remote environments.

Target Outcomes

Here is the impact on key executive metrics:

Required Investment

The L&D team will need to allocate X staff members for XX% of their time over X months to create new training content.

- After rollout, daily users would need to dedicate ~XX mins per month to deliver trainings.
- We recommend a Q4 pilot across 50 stores, with a full rollout in Q1 of next year.


Ties CRM exit criteria to buying behaviors — not just seller activity.

Value Engineers:

Builds a narrative early to bring meaning to ROI.

Customer Success:

A specific recap of what’s promised to the customer.

Sales process still stuck in 2010?

Here’s how selling with Fluint compares to the typical approach:


Sales Enablement

Sales meetings = the center of the sale

Templated product & sales decks

Focus on sellers closing deals


Buyer Enablement

Internal meetings = the center of the sale

Unique, narrative-style business case

Enabling champions to close deals

Why create 30 slides that’ll never get read by an executive?

It’s a bummer, but... champions don’t use your sales decks. But they will sell with a concise, compelling summary built with them — in their own words.


Decks & Templates

Marketing speak that sells to generic “personas”

30+ slides executives never bother to read

Reps stay shallow in “product” discovery


Business Cases

Internal language specific to each individual person

Concise 1-pagers that grab an exec’s attention

Critical thinking to go deep on business impact

Classic sales process. “Just copy and paste this email.”

It might feel easy for you. But it’s putting all the work back on your buyers to message you to their execs.


Email Templates

Send an email full of links & templates. That won’t get opened, shared, or read. (And if someone does read it, it’s definitely not an executive.)


Business Cases

Show you actually heard what your buyer said with a unique summary drafted early in your deal. (We’ll write your follow-up email too.)

Value Engineers + Fluint = A Seller’s Dream Team

If your team’s lucky enough to have a Value Team on the payroll, let’s build on that progress together.


Value Engineers

Brought into deals too late, and on a small % of deals

Reps don’t have customer data ready to go for Engineers

No exec alignment means all their work often goes unread


Business Cases

Business cases started during Stage 1 / the first discovery call

Structured inputs ready for the Value Team to leverage

Narratives that engage execs in looking at the numbers

Still not sure?

If building business cases was new to me, I’d do my homework too. So check out what a couple happy Fluint users had to say about the revenue impact they’ve seen:

I'm an AE. Can I sign up on my own, without my team?

Yep, you can go ahead and get started with your own account.

There's no admin-level setup required (you can copy and paste in call transcripts without any integrations, or use a Fluint notetaker).

Plus, your commission from a single closed deal will more than pay for your whole year’s subscription.

How much time do I need to spend to get started?

You can build your first business case in 5 minutes. Here’s the process:

1. Create a workspace for your first deal. Upload notes and/or call transcripts.

2. Pick a framework from the Fluint library. Then click “generate.”

3. Fluint writes your first draft in 30 seconds, using your buyer’s own words.

4. We’ll analyze any discovery gaps and make suggestions.

5. Share your workspace with your champions for feedback & build together.

There you go.

What if Fluint doesn't actually help our sellers?

We pay back 2X what you spent on any seller's license who used, but didn't directly close a deal in Fluint. It's our Revenue Guarantee.

(And yeah, we’re serious.)

What about pre-built template decks? Can’t we use those instead?

You can save templated content inside Fluint, for sure.

But you'll also want to go beyond templates, to creating new content with champions, specific to their account.

That’s the IKEA effect at work. And it makes sure your champions actually want to use your content to sell internally (where it matters most).

How does this compare to our value engineering process?

Fluint scales up a “lightweight” version of your process, to every single deal in the pipeline. While Value Engineers focus on a smaller number of high-priority deals.

(1) Sellers start the business case process in Stage 1 vs. waiting until later.

(2) Fluint also focuses on the strategic narrative, to complement the numbers.

If a Value Engineer starts an in-depth value model later in the deal, they’ll already have an executive audience, plus all the "inputs" pre-structured.

We're trying to consolidate our tech, why add another one in?

Consolidation is good. But only if your tech stack already closed the single, biggest gap in every sales process:

Guiding the internal buying conversations sales reps aren’t part of.  

Which is where 90% of B2B buying happens. Yet, most tech stacks only focus on sales reps in sales meetings.

Which means even after consolidating tech spend, you’d focus all that reduced spend on just a fraction of where deals are won or lost.

We use a Conversation Intelligence tool. Will this conflict?

No, if you use Gong, Chorus, or another tool, you’ll keep it in place. These tools coach your pitch during sales conversations.

Fluint creates content to guide your buyer’s internal meetings. They’re different use cases.

We just use the call transcript from these systems as a data source

Okay... but can't we just do this with ChatGPT?

Most teams do start here. Then they realize ChatGPT and CoPilot aren’t ideal.

The biggest reason is sellers don't stick with it. All the copying over inputs for each deal, hitting data limits, then getting output that's not sales-specific and ready to use is frustrating.

Which means there's no consistent execution inside deals.

For example: What percent of your sellers have used ChatGPT before? Likely a lot of them.

What percent of your deals have a business case? Likely very little of them.

We're rolling out sales frameworks & doing training. Does this conflict?

Nope, Fluint is framework "agnostic."

You can load any methodology into Fluint (MEDDICC, SPICED, take your pick) to help reps execute on it consistently, across all deals.

Which also creates "evidence" of whether they’re using it, or not.

The process Fluint enables is also higher-level than a particular framework — it's a way of selling with the buyer at each step, to help them sell internally.

Can we start with just a couple reps in a small pilot?

Fluint isn't a quick "workflow hack." It's about shifting the way sellers go to market, where the sales process is building the business case.

Every step of the way: from discovery, to running demos, etc.

It takes focus for each rep to make this shift. So when they know their leadership is fully committed, and their peers around the company are doing the same, it drives outcomes.

So you’re welcome to do a pilot.

But we see faster adoption from cohorts of reps without pilots first, because there’s strong commitment.

Still unsure if Fluint's the right fit for you?

Book a time to chat. We'll generate a business case together, and after, you can decide if Fluint's right.